About Keith Alpert

Keith Alpert has been a strength, flexibility, and conditioning consultant, trainer and coach for over 25 years, since 1988. Featured on ESPN Sports Center and in publications including Sports Illustrated, American Health and Fitness Magazine, Keith has gained peer respect and a wide following for his ability to combine his training skills and teaching style with stellar program design skills. Clients include sport-greats Antonio Davis (Indiana Pacers, Toronto Raptors), Theo Ratliff (Los Angeles Lakers), Mark Eaton (Stanley Cup holder) and current professionals all training currently at NAC shown in picture... Ryan Kelly (Atlanta Hawks) Andre Dawkins (TX Legends NBA-D) and Danny O’Keefe (Orangeville CBL). Keith has worked with numerous professional players from the NBA, overseas basketball, and many players from the NCAA as well. Keith holds a degree in Exercise Science from the University of Massachusetts. He is certified with the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA), the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and Keith is one of a dozen people on the planet to achieve a Level Four International Coach Certification from world-renowned strength and nutrition expert, Charles Poliquin. (Poliquin Performance Institute, RI) See below for more specialized certifications and descriptions that Keith has accomplished to help people recover from injuries, improve performance and get results!


➔   Certified strength and conditioning specialist since 1988

➔   Certified personal trainer since 1992

➔   P-DTR advanced certification

➔   NeuroKinetic Therapy (N.K.T.) certified level 3

➔   Fascial Abrasion Technique (F.A.T.) certified

➔   Fascial Stretch Therapy (F.S.T.) certified level 2


Keith specializes in Fascial Abrasion Technique, Nutritional Reflex Technique, Fascial Stretch Therapy and Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Relfex. Stop by the front desk for more info on these techniques or contact Keith at keithalpert@gmail.com

Fascial Abrasion Technique
Developed by Dr. Mark Scappaticci, the FAT-Tool is much different than the many assisted soft tissue mobilization tools on the market. FAT-Tool has a patented textured surface that allows for maximal tissue tension release without excessive pressure and without bruising.

Nutritional Reflex Technique™

Noninvasive form of Muscle Testing, dynamic tool for gathering and evaluating information regarding physical, neuromuscular and biochemical balances within the body. It involves testing the reaction of a large muscle group, such as a leg, to slight pressure in response to various forms of stimuli and interactions with acupuncture points.

Fascial Stretch Therapy®

Developed by Ann and Chris Frederick, is a type of stretching that targets not only the muscles but the fascia, the connective tissue around the muscles, bones and joints. FST also targets also targets the entire joint and joint capsule, using traction to remove restrictions from movement and to stimulate lubrication.

Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR®)

P-DTR® www.Dr.Palomar.com Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR®) was developed by orthopedic surgeon Dr. José Palomar. This work recognizes sensory receptors, and the way the body processes the information from these receptors. Using a comprehensive system of muscle testing and neural challenges, involved receptors can be located and normal function can be quickly restored. Most other therapeutic modalities deal with the “hardware” of the body (massage, chiropractic, joint manipulations, etc.), neglecting the fact that much of the pain and dysfunction we experience is often actually a problem with our “software” and how the brain regulates information. P-DTR® addresses issues at the level of the brain and its sensory receptors. Using a comprehensive system of muscle testing and neural stimuli, dysfunctional receptors can be located and normal function can be restored. By restoring normal function to these receptors, the body will function based on “good” information from the brain, and our body gains the ability to function at its absolute best. P-DTR can help:

  • Resolve lingering dysfunction from pain and chronic injuries

  • Increase mobility

  • Improve muscle function & strength

  • Improve overall stability, balance, & coordination

  • Greatly increase performance for athletics

  • Increase mobility

  • Treat the source of the problem, not just the symptoms

  • Achieve results that are long-lasting

P-DTR® is unlike anything you have ever experienced. It is fast. It is precise. It is effective. It has been described by NAC members as an “incredible experience” that has improved their quality of life and allowed them to move easier, work out harder, and do things they haven’t been able to do in years.